brudgers 3 days ago

Unsupported Operating System Detected

This is a waste of your time and my time. People have more than one computer.

Please switch to a compatible operating system to continue.

This is just plain irritating. I can click on the link below it and go here on my Windows machine and on my phone: is a shell script for Linux and macOS that configures the development environment for you in a few easy steps. Once you finish running the script, you'll be able to start the database server, create a new Phoenix application, and launch the server.

is all you need to say.

Good luck.

  • almirsarajcic a day ago

    Hey @brudgers,

    Thanks for the feedback.

    I didn't understand what you meant by "People have more than one computer." The scripts only work with Linux and macOS, as the page mentions.

    • brudgers 14 hours ago

      I have an iPhone, an iPad, two laptops with Windows, and a laptop with Linux.

      Just because I wasn't using the Linux device doesn't mean I can't run Linux. Heck, some people only run Linux in "the cloud" but approximately nobody browses in "the cloud."

      The scripts only work with Linux and macOS

      That is all you need to say on your page. Approximately everyone who understands what a script is will understand that. Double Heck, even non-technical users are familiar with compatibility because of forty years of Mac vs PC marketing and the practical reality of Android versus iOS.

      I guess the change-your-operating-system thing makes some sense if you are anti-PC to the point that that is more important than what you are building. Otherwise it is a waste of your time because it isn't the tool.