shamiln 14 hours ago

I’m definitely in the category, however, the job situation is so dire that if I quit my job, there’s nothing to replace it.

  • sda2 9 hours ago

    it’s like we were playing musical chairs, the music stopped, and then they took away half the chairs.

    • jerlam 8 hours ago

      Definitely wasn't the case in 2021 when this was written.

randcraw 19 hours ago

You're bored, and your coworkers are bored too (or boring).

This job isn't what you thought it would be.

You know there's no future in this job or this company, none that you want anyway.

You have an offer for a better job elsewhere.

chiefrubberduck 17 hours ago

you have less patience and become irritated easily which blends into personal life too

you do not feel like helping any team members

you feel tenseness around your heart area whenever something related to work is on your mind

ckdarby 6 hours ago

What a small world, I met Cate back a long time ago when she used to live in Ottawa before her Google stint.

A kind person with a strong passion and always open to speaking her mind.

upupupandaway 7 hours ago

Lots of check marks but I also make high six figures so no way out.