Show HN: Hoodmaps Meets 4chan

6 points by j0hnyl 16 hours ago

I made this as a pair programming exercise with o1-preview.

o1 did most of the heavy lifting, through high level prompts, but eventually I needed to diverge from it to get to completion.

My initial prompt was:


I'm making a web app:

It's like 4chan, but each thread starts with a gps coordinate. People can only post text and images. I want to build it with flask and sqlalchemy. I want just the backend and data model that supports these threads, anonymous users, and users that can register a permanent username.

Write as much of it as you can for me.


This produced a fully scaffolded Flask app running on sqlite. After that, it took a few (casual) evenings of iteration to dockerize everything, implement postgres instead of sqlite, and use a bucket for storage. On my own, this would have easily taken me 10x the time.

ezekg 5 hours ago

What is hoodmaps?