DidYaWipe 3 hours ago

This article neglects to convey a critical piece of information: what "Z-Library" is.

miohtama 3 hours ago

Note that this is not first time Telegram removes content and its moderation tools have existed and been effective for some years.

  • notthefuture an hour ago

    i don’t think you can call them effective given the active and open organizing of terrorist groups like Terrorgram and ISIS on Telegram.

GaggiX 3 hours ago

Is this enforced on all clients or just those downloaded from the App Store or Play Store? There was a difference in the past, if I remember correctly.

  • miohtama 3 hours ago

    Posts and channels are removed on the server side. All clients are open source.

    • grishka 35 minutes ago

      The server knows which client you're using. There are indeed stricter restrictions for apps that come from app stores.

    • o999 2 hours ago

      Some channels are only available on android for off-play store apps, it is server side restriction of course.

    • golergka 3 hours ago

      A lot of content in Telegram is moderated only for iOS, while still being available on other platforms.

      • duskwuff an hour ago

        > A lot of content in Telegram is moderated only for iOS

        And even then, I believe that only applies to users who haven't flipped the "Show 18+ Content" toggle in the app settings. (It's off by default.)