Ask HN: Why does Apple not sync cookies between devices?
It would be really convenient if my iPhone was logged in to every service that my Mac is logged into, in Safari, but for some reason (I'm assuming technical reason) they don't do it, why?
Same for Google Chrome's sync, it does not sync cookies.
Cookies are a form of session token, and should not be synced.
I feel like that would be asking for security issues.
Someone logs into their bank account (or something sensitive) at home. Later they foolishly login to their browser at work not realizing that they now have the employer access to …. everything.
Or even a bad actor just gets the device and you unknowingly perpetually are giving them access.
You could have work arounds and yes the user should know better, but the problems seem inevitable.
I think these theoretical scenarios probably don't apply to Apple? As long as devices are password-gated. If you have a password to someone's device, it's already over, they have access to everything, including synced passwords.
Btw, something that Apple does sync that's similar is passkeys. They're synced to iCloud. At least on GitHub, you don't even need 2fa if you log in via passkey.
Cookies are often used to identify devices. Syncing them across devices would defeat that purpose.
No browser does this afaik